July 17, 2025

Selected Scripture

Luke 9

10 And the apostles having returned related to him whatever they had done. And he took them and withdrew apart into [a desert place of] a city called Bethsaida. 11 But the crowds knowing [it] followed him; and he received them and spake to them of the kingdom of God, and cured those that had need of healing.

Selected Hymn Verse

Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Little Flock (rev 1962), #77, Verse 1

Lord, we love to trace Thy footprints
Here amidst the desert sand,
Ponder o'er Thy path of suff'ring -
Wondrous heart and healing hand;
See Thy stoop to Bethlehem's manger,
Hear Thee still the raging wave.
Learn Thy love in all its fullness
At the cross and in the grave.