July 14, 2025

Selected Scripture

Luke 3

3 And he came into all the district round the Jordan, preaching [the] baptism of repentance for [the] remission of sins, 4 as it is written in [the] book of [the] words of Esaias the prophet: Voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of [the] Lord, make straight his paths. 5 Every gorge shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low, and the crooked [places] shall become a straight [path], and the rough places smooth ways, 6 and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

Selected Hymn Verse

Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Little Flock (rev 1962), #432, Verse 2

Salvation in the Name
Of Jesus, offered still;
Glad heralds sound His fame:
Ho! whosoever will,
Avail thyself of grace supreme;
His blood doth ransom, cleanse, redeem!