March 28, 2024

Selected Scripture

Isaiah 63

1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with deep-red garments from Bozrah, this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? -- I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. 2 -- Wherefore is redness in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winevat? 3 I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the peoples not a man was with me; and I have trodden them in mine anger, and trampled them in my fury; and their blood is sprinkled upon my garments, and I have stained all mine apparel.

Selected Hymn Verse

Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Little Flock (rev 1962), #386, Verse 4

Come, Thou King triumphant; all the earth is Thine;
Show Thy mighty power, let Thy glory shine;
Come, Thou King of glory, Lord of hosts in heav'n,
Come, Lord Jesus, Saviour! Even so, Amen.